Monday, September 28, 2009

Brock Mitchell: "Kelly Agapi"

The Source presents Kelly Agapi from Brock Mitchell on Vimeo.

Celadonna Scare Crow

Hey Everyone, one of the coolest stores in Okotoks entered the Old Town Okotoks scarecrow competition, check out all the contestants and vote for your favorite HERE!
If you are a fan of .colourdesign please vote for one of the women who brought us into this world which is Celadonna, #26


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

David Bowie inspired art party;
we will have the talented Mr. Teddy Celebration playing numerous tracks from David Bowies career, including artists he has collaborated with, and his friends,

there will be reasonably priced drinks.
Original artworks inspired by david bowie,
and the very first edition of the Art Party T-shirts for $20 (printed on the american apparel summer t-shirt)
We have a contest for best dressed David Bowie impersonator and the winner will receive David Bowie's Greatest hits, and a Bowie Art Party T-shirt in whatever size you fit. As well with a couple free drinks to celebrate the win!

Doors are at 9pm at the Art Life Gallery (1312 1st SW CGY, AB) and the fun will run until we are done.
See you all there!